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 Why Kisan Andolan is happening in Delhi Again in 2024?

Why Kisan Andolan is happening in Delhi Again 2024

The year 2024 has seen a massive protest by the farmers of India, who have come from different parts of the country to the national capital Delhi to voice their concerns and demands. The farmers’ protest, also known as the Kisan Andolan, demands their rights from the government. It has been going on for several months now, and it is one of the biggest protests in the history of independent India.

The Kisan Andolan started in response to the three new farm laws that were passed in September 2023 by the Indian government. The farmers believe that these laws are not in their favor and that they will benefit large corporations and hurt the small farmers. The laws that were passed are the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act.

The farmers have been demanding the repeal of these laws and have been protesting peacefully in and around Delhi since November 2023. The protest is being led by different farmers’ unions and organizations, and the protestors have been camping at various sites around Delhi, including the Singhu border, Tikri border, and Ghazipur border.

The Kisan Andolan has seen massive support from people across the country, with various celebrities, politicians, and activists joining the protest to show their solidarity with the farmers. The protestors have been braving the harsh winter season in Delhi, with temperatures dropping to as low as 3-4 degrees Celsius, and have been living in make-shift arrangements.

The Kisan Andolan has also seen some clashes between the protestors and the police, with tear gas and water cannons used to disperse the crowd. However, the protestors have remained peaceful and have continued their protest despite the hardships.

The Kisan Andolan has brought the issue of farmers’ rights and their struggles to the forefront, and it has become a topic of national and international concern. The government has been holding talks with the farmers’ unions to resolve the issue, but no resolution has been reached yet. 

Why Kisan Andolan in Delhi happening again?

The Kisan Andolan demands a law ensuring the minimum support price (MSP) for all crops and establishing correct crop prices by the report. Other 10 demands of Farmer’s Protest in Delhi include:

  1.  Complete debt forgiveness for laborers and farmers
  1.  The Land Acquisition Act of 2013’s implementation, which stipulates that farmers must give written consent before an acquisition can occur and that compensation must be four times the collector rate.
  1. Punishment for those responsible for the killings in Lakhimpur Kheri in October 2021; 
  1. Suspending all free trade agreements and leaving the World Trade Organization (WTO);
  1.  Pensions for agricultural workers and farmers;
  1. Compensation, including a job for one family member, for farmers who lost their lives during the protest in Delhi
  1.  Electricity Amendment Bill 2020 should be withdrawn.
  1.  200 (rather than 100) days of MGNREGA employment per year, a Rs. 700 daily wage, and the program’s connection to farming
  1. Strict fines and penalties for businesses making counterfeit fertilizer, insecticides, and seeds; increases in seed quality;
  1. National Commission on Spices: Turmeric and Chili

In conclusion, the Kisan Andolan happening in Delhi in the year 2024 is a massive protest by the farmers of India, with demands , mentioned above by the government. The protest has seen massive support from people across the country and has become a topic of national and international concern. The farmers have been braving the harsh winter season in Delhi and have been protesting peacefully, and the government has been holding talks with the farmers’ unions to resolve the issue. 

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